If you are a UK knitting blogger, join us!
What is a blogring?
A ring allows a group of sites on the web with similar interests/subject material to point to each other, forming a type of 'ring'. Clicking 'next' or 'previous' or 'random' (below the blogring button) will direct you to the next site in the ring and so on.
Why join a blogring?
Belonging to a ring allows more visitors to reach your site quickly and easily. It also helps connect you with other people who have similar blogging interests.
How do I join?
The first step is to sign up here. Copying the ring code below does not make you a member!
I get an error message when I click on 'next', saying that I am not a member!
That's because you have either not signed up (or your membership has not yet been approved), or your ring code is incorrect.
The most common error seems to be that our specific details have been omitted. Double check that you have copied the code properly. If you are still having problems, contact the ringmaster.
The ring is broken.
Same as above, but for someone else! If you are a member, email the owner of that blog or the ringmaster.
It is important to be vigilant! Our blogring is only as strong as our weakest link!
< groan >
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